
The visual & poetic become each the other but not always.

Category: heart


Carefully tread, carefully thread, the needle of what was said.

In colour-waves attune.

In colour-waves atone.

Inside the prison yard whisper.

Into the prism of the rainbow whisper

what was written / what was said.

Carefully tread, carefully thread, the needle of what was said.

They will have you undermine

the oppressed.

They will have you undermine the true & proven.

Reach your hands into all you have known.

Sun-sparkled colourwaves (invisibly) penetrate

White lights glowingly (invisibly) hover & whoosh

Vibrations thread a feathery needle of thought

dotting patterns dot-dot-dot

decorating a bone.


flat-skipping like a slippery stone

upon the wide black river.

Now sweeping & curvilinear


beneath a gushing, clairvoyant waterfall.

Carefully tread, carefully thread, the needle of what was said.

In colour-waves attune.

In colour-waves atone.

At the bottom of the heart near reeds, roots & moss

ecstatic hail-stones dot-dot-dot

to punctuate the antlers of memory

in pale, eggshell-blue, vibrato adoration.

Carefully tread, carefully thread, the needle of what was said.

They will have you undermine

the oppressed.

They will have you undermine springtime & the doors of perception,

limestone, chalk & shadows & the poet’s feathered cloak.

Shadows fall upon the antlered illumination.

Shadows fall upon the amber impersonation.

Yellow sun-rays (rising) emancipate electrical fires,

in resurrection completing the cycle of consciousness.

Insurrections of (& within) the heart & body

complete the cycle of consciousness.

If you are going to the fair

where the scent of springtime circles the air

remember me to one in the reeds, roots & moss

who divines with burning knuckles:

the secrets of the moths,

the edges of furniture carved like Newgrange,

& the freedoms (lost) we took for granted.

Carefully tread, carefully thread, the needle of what was said.

They will have you undermine

the oppressed.

They will have you undermine benevolent embrace, embroidery & beehives.

Reach your hand into all you have known.

In the ebony pupil of the watery eye, quick as quicksand,

mirrors the risen yellow sun:

Lions made of electrical fire

tossed and roaring, gain their footing,

patiently prowl in foamy camouflage

upon the wide black river.

“Never again shall a single story be told as though it were the only one.” —John Berger, from Ways of Seeing


His voice reminds me of William Blake’s poetry about children,

or sacrifice in a dark ocean storm, or a sunflower standing against the wind.

Like Guernica or a battlefield nurse

or Christ when they came for him in the garden.

Good father may your telluric chant

be blessed with the speed & power of a thousand

shooting stars.