Bring Out the Trees in the Heart

The unseen has now been seen

Bring out the nets braided with theory

Theories made of thread

Threads made of air

Bring out the threads made of air

One filament of ornamental air encoded within a supposed entity

Transmitting thirst

Hail the laws of Cyrus!

A juror concealed within valves of light

Whistles alarm sound-song sharp as a needle


In mound-like hills

A supposed entity carries forward the encoded cylindrical laws of Cyrus

The unseen has now been seen – running upon a wall

Place the ladder beside a wall

Bring out the trees in the heart 

Bring out the heart in the psyche

Forgotten in the garden light-years away

Bring out the ladders built of light-years

One filament of ornamental air encoded within a supposed entity

Transmitting hunger

Hail the laws of Cyrus!

Laws made of ladders reach into star-cycles

A juror concealed within valves of light

Whistles alarm sound-song sharp as a needle


A supposed entity carries forward the encoded cylindrical laws of Cyrus

The unseen has now been seen – moving its lips

On TV – remember TV?

One filament of ornamental air encoded within a supposed entity


The unseen remember justice

Ten by ten the innocent fall

In a garden light-years away

A supposed entity


Bring out the nets braided with theory

And theories built of ladders

Hail the laws of Cyrus!

A juror concealed within valves of light

Whistles alarm

Within a mound-like hill

Law encodes a star-cycle of justice

One by one the guilty await

A supposed entity

Carries forward the encoded cylindrical laws of Cyrus





I juxtaposed stills from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) with stills from a televised theatrical production of Twelve Angry Men (1954). I used the copyrighted images under fair play provisions for educational or commentary (& non-profit) purposes.